Funny Text Messages to Send to a Guy You Like
So you love (sorry, like) this guy and you and you want him to know what you feel for him in a funny way. That’s a great choice you’ve made.
Guys are moved by smartness, intelligence and humour. You may want to prove that you are that special woman for him by sending him a cute, funny message that shows that you possess those characteristics.
Make his day. It’s pretty simple to do that. A short, let’s say 10 to 20 seconds text can make him smile for hours.
Copy any of the following messages into your text box to do the magic. With any of these, you can be sure to win his affection.
Before we get started in full, let me share some proven secrets you need to know when sending that special guy text messages.

What do I need to do before sending my man a text message?
Carefully read these 11 proven tips for writing and sending an amazing text to your crush.
1. Let the words flow from your heart
Don’t fake it. Be honest about how you feel. I mean, keep the feelings real. With that, what you say will be so so special.
2. Text with some humour
Laughter is good for the soul. Add some humour to the text. If you want him to not just like you but fall for you, let him feel you are fun to be with. That’s our major aim of writing this piece. You will surely find plenty of text with humour here.
3. Don’t write a novel
Bear in mind that this is supposed to be a quick text for him to read. No need for long stories. He should be done reading a maximum of 20 seconds.
4. Include a sweet picture of you
Men are more visual in nature. A stunning photo of you plus a short text will make him fall for you.
5. When in a good mood, write. When in a bad mood, don’t.
Smile before you write, dear. Your mood shows in the text.
6. Send the text at the appropriate time.
Timing matters. A cute text to start his day, something funny to ease his work stress, or before bedtime. Just get your timing right.
7. Consider what you want to hear to have a truly great day
Write exactly that for him. As you write the text, smile to keep things positive.
8. Make sure you’re not too gooey that you scare him away.
Don’t use this as a technique to tell him you love him. It may be awkward! Allow him to say the magic three words first.
9. Don’t rush while creating the text.
Take your time to write the text. He has no idea you’re going to send it, so if you need to, wait until the next day!
10. Before you hit the “Send” button, go back and reread the text.
Proofreading any piece is always a good idea. You don’t want any misunderstandings!
11. Send the text with a kiss!
Kiss your phone as you send the message. This is just a fun way to send your text with good intentions!
Funny text to send to the man you want
Here we go. You want to bring smile and laughter to his soul and face? Send him one of these amazing pieces…
I don’t know whether to start this conversation with a compliment, pick-up line or a simple “hello”… you choose.
There’s a sale in my bedroom right now – everything is 100% off. Mind buying?
I’ve just watched a Netflix marathon, but you’re still hotter than the bottom of my laptop.
‘I wanted to send you something that would make you smile, but the mailman told me to get out of the mailbox! *😢*
Me without you is like a nerd without braces, shoes without laces and ASentenceWithoutSpaces.
Well, I am an unemployed girl with a certificate in cuddling, a diploma in caring and a degree in kissing. Do you have a job for me?
Excuse me, I just dropped something looking at your pictures again… My jaw
Your body has 65% water and guess what? I am very thirsty at the moment.
I love you as much as I love fries
I can’t decide what I want more, food or you? Food… No, you. Maybe, food on you!’
I am not a photographer, but I can still picture you and me together…in my bed.
If you were a vegetable you know what you’ll be? A cute-cumber!
You are under arrest for being too cute. Your punishment is to be silent and if not followed then you will be silenced with kisses.
I want you to have a candle-lit dinner and say those magical three words to you… Pay the bill
True love is like a pillow, You can hug it when you’re in trouble, You can cry on it when you’re in pain, You can embrace it when you’re happy, So when you need true love, Buy a pillow!
I have spent many sleepless nights in your love and I don’t want my son to do the same for your daughter… so let’s make them brother and sister.
I will love you forever. LOL! But I can’t live that long.
If kissing is the language of love then we have a lot to talk about.
People say that love is in every corner… but I guess I must be walking in circles, what say?
If you’re cute, you can call me baby If you’re nice, you can call me sweetie But if you’re hot, you can call me tonight!
I love you like I love my cake, like my last bite of pizza and the money in my bank. God I really love you so much!
I think our lips need a meeting ASAP.
Do you know what my favourite thing in the world is? The second word of this text.
Also Read: Top New Happy Month Messages for Friends
Hot text to send to a guy that will make him like you
Here’s a variety of cute lines to text a guy. They will make him smile and, most importantly, like you. Use one of them and see his reaction.
Thank God I’m wearing gloves because you’re too hot to handle.
There’s a huge sale going on in my bedroom right now. All clothes are 100% off, it’s a limited time offer.
You have to stop making me think about you. I’m busy.
Can you stop thinking about me? You have to stop!
If we had an arm-wrestling match, who do you think would win?
I’m thinking about a life of celibacy, what’s your opinion on it?
Should I wear a short skirt tonight or a really short skirt?
You, my kind Sir. You are very attractive. Therefore, I just have to stare at you.
I have an extra ticket for tonight but I need to invite a sexy and charming man. Do you know anyone?
If you kiss me, I’m not responsible for what happens next.
Our lips should meet, you know, informal, business casual type meeting.
We go together like bacon and…bacon.
So, I heard that a kiss can burn 6.4 calories per minute. You wanna work out?
If you were a library book, I’d never take you back.
I can’t seem to find my heart anywhere…did you steal it?
You should see me smile like an idiot at my phone when I’m texting you.
So, Sunday is pretty much my cuddle day. So…wanna come over?
Wanna come over, eat some pizza, watch a Disney movie and fall hopelessly in love? Just throwing out ideas.
I bet you $5 that you won’t be able to not kiss me tonight.
Even though I love wearing my Granny panties, tonight I’m wearing something a little riskier.
Want to go see this horror film tonight? You don’t have to worry if you’re scared I’ll protect you.
I’m not going to lie, you’re hotter than the bottom of my laptop after I’ve watched way too much Netflix.
So, my basketball team beats yours at tonight’s game, don’t I get a reward for that?
[Use ghost emojis] All these ghosts but I want you to be my boo.
Hey, Sexy! Oops sorry, I meant [insert guy’s name]. Autocorrect can be so annoying, right?
So, autocorrect changed your name to “bae”. I swear, it wasn’t me.
Knock knock. Who’s there? Gopher. Gopher Who? Gopher me, silly.
Here’s a list of people who don’t think you’re hot [leave the list empty].
I’m eating this cake all alone and I’d let you share it with me, but you have to find out where I am first.
I dare you to bring your sexy ass over here and watch a chick flick with me. Actually, let’s make that a double doggy dare.
I just bought a thing from Victoria’s Secret…want a private runway show, or should I save it for someone else?
Are you an appendix? Because I don’t understand you or know how you work, but this feeling in my stomach makes me feel the urge to make out with you.
So, I looked online at the restaurant’s menu. Wanna know what’s on the menu? Me-n-u.
Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you everyone else around me disappears.
Honestly, if you were words on a page, you’d be the fine print.
Sorry, something seems to be wrong with my phone. I think the problem is that it doesn’t have your number in it.
Something is weird…I’m at home and my pants are still on. Can you help me take them off?
I’m not going to lie, we go together like Nutella and a spoon. I’m the Nutella 😉
I dig you more than I dig a cup of coffee in the morning, but please don’t make me prove it.
You know how much I like having the bed to myself? Well, I think I like you more than that.
Examples of what to say to your guy to make him smile
Sometimes all you want to do is describe to that special person how much you care about him. You want to put a smile on his face with a narrative, below are examples of perfect lines to share to achieve that amazing effect.
I just wanted you to know that I think about you every day. When I’m with you, I can’t help but smile because I’m so happy. Thank you for everything. I may not show it always, but I am grateful to have you in my life. I can’t wait to see you again, my true love. I miss you a lot!
Hey Handsome, please know that I think of you every day. When I’m with you, I can’t help but smile. Thank you. I may not show it always, but I’m glad you’re in my life. I long to see you, my true love. I miss you!
Sunshine, good morning! I was hoping to make your day a little brighter by telling you how much you mean to me. You’ve made me so happy it’s unbelievable. Every day is like a vacation when I’m with you! Just thinking about you and how much fun we have together makes me smile. Now, I want you to have a wonderful day and know that I adore you!
My sweetheart, I just wanted to let you know that you have made a significant difference in my life. I get goosebumps thinking about you and all the fun we have together, and it feels like any worries or problems just wash away. Thank you so much for simply being you, because you are the best to me, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you! Have a wonderful day, love!
The 10-second text that will make him smile for hours.
When it’s short, it’s better. Perform the magic on your man. Here’s a comprehensive list of the 10 seconds text that will make his day and make him love you. You have 100 to choose from.
Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?
When I walk into a room full of people, I always look for you first.
Hey, stranger. Stop being a stranger.
Morning, you! Hope you’re having a good day!
What would you say if I asked you to come over right now?
I’m making the first move when it comes to texting, so I’m expecting you to make the first move when it comes to kissing.
This is me asking you out. Want to get coffee on Saturday?
Nobody gets me like you do.
Now that I’ve officially texted you, I’m going to be obsessively staring at my phone, waiting for it to beep, so don’t keep me waiting.
Come over. Now. Nobody is here except me.
I wish you were here next to me right now.
Hey! Stop thinking about me so much!
I suck at starting conversations. You want to try?
Netflix and chill?
Do you have any plans for this weekend? Because I don’t.
I just finished a book I know you would love. You should come over to pick it up.
How about we cozy up and watch a movie tonight?
Come over, I have all your favourites. Pizza, beer, and of course, ME.
I was just looking through your Instagram and not gonna lie, you’re lookin’ fine
All I’ve thought about all day is your mouth.
I would invite you to come over this weekend, but I’m not sure I can keep my hands to myself.
Every message you send me is like a small gift.
I can’t figure out why, but my thoughts are especially X-rated today. I think it’s your fault.
I find it incredibly sexy that you’ve been patient with me about taking things slowly. Trust me, I’m worth the wait!
Miss me yet?
Such a stressful day. Want to blow off some steam tonight?
I’m on cloud nine when I’m around you.
You. Me. Takeout. Tonight.
I’ve been waiting all day to see you.
I love it when my roommate’s gone because I never have to wear clothes.
I was dreaming about you all day; it really distracted me at work.
I just heard a song on the radio, and it describes our relationship perfectly.
I was going to wait another day or two to text you, but I can’t wait that long to talk to you.
Let’s skip the small talk and go straight to flirting.
I can’t even remember the last time we spoke. We need to change that.
Be honest. How long have you been waiting for a text from me?
You never text first. I can’t tell if you hate me or if you’re playing hard to get.
What does your week look like? Any room for me?
You’re going to love the outfit I wear tonight.
Stop looking so hot in the pics you post. You’re killing me over here!
See, I don’t like this, you’re too far away. If I could, I would be in your arms right now.
Hey. I was just wondering how long it’s going to be before you realize I like you and admit that you like me back.
I absolutely adore you. Just FYI.
I had a dream we were sexting, so I woke up and decided to turn it into a reality.
You look great today. How do I know? Because you look good every day.
Every time I close my eyes you are the only thing I see.
Did you smile when you saw my name pop up on your phone just now?
You’re the piece of me I didn’t know was missing.
You are so amazing. Never doubt that.
I’m a little drunk, a little horny, and all alone.
I am sooo hungry right now…thing is…I don’t want food.
I keep thinking about how good you look the last time we were together.
Why are you so cute?
The only time I stupidly smile at my phone is when I get text messages from you.
You have no idea how much I want to see you right now!
Let’s go on an adventure together. Want to try a new hike this weekend?
I might run out of text messages to send you, and I might run out of jokes too. My phone might run out of battery, but my heart will never run out of space for you.
You’re hot. I think I like you.
If you want to make a move, today would be the perfect time to go for it.
It’s impossible to get any work done today because I can’t stop thinking about you.
You looked really cute last night.
You make me feel important, and I love that!
You already know how I feel about you. So what are you going to do about it?
I absolutely adore you.
All my friends told me they wish they had a guy like you.
I can NOT stop thinking about you and your smile.
I just took some sexy pics, but they’re too inappropriate to post on Instagram. Want to see?
I just saw the new picture you uploaded. Looking hotter than ever, I see.
I’m thinking about deleting Tinder, because I’ve already found the guy I want to be with.
If you wanna stop by my house tonight I’ll make it worth the trip.
I have no idea what I would do without you.
I’m asking myself right now, do you even exist. I mean, can someone like you be real?
I’m still single, in case you were wondering.
Do you know that you’re one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met?
Which emoji makes you think of me?
Have I told you that I want to kiss today? Because I want to kiss you.
I like you. What are you going to do about it?
We should really stop texting and start seeing each other in person.
My cheeks hurt from smiling so much, I just can’t stop! See what you’re doing to me?!
Can’t stop thinking about the other day/night.
Just saw something really hot and it made me think of you.
I would do anything to be with you right now.
Do you find it sexy when girls make the first move or should I wait for you to do it yourself?
I’m not big on the whole “wait three days” thing, so I’m texting you now.
Seeing your name pop up on my phone screen makes me grin like an idiot.
I’m totally craving some time with you right now.
In the mood to have some fun?
I’m watching a romcom, and the main character looks exactly like you. Except, not nearly as cute.
Has anyone told you that you have the best eyes?
I cannot stop thinking about how sweet you are.
It didn’t take long for me to discover how special and amazing you are.
Not gonna lie, you’re basically always on my mind.
I have Netflix on, but no one to chill with. Think you can help me out?
I don’t have anything interesting to tell you, but I really wanted to talk to you.
What on earth did I think about all the time before I met you?
You’re pretty freaking great.
Our first kiss is going to be epic, don’t you think?
You know what would be even better than a text back? An invitation to dinner.
I hope you find my willingness to text first attractive.
can’t believe I actually found a guy who’s smart and funny and insanely hot.
I know that no one is perfect, but you’re pretty damn close.
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Have an amazing day. Thank you.