Best Of Father’s Day Messages, Wishes And Greeting

Father’s day is just on the horizon. This special day is the best day to show your Dad your appreciation for what he is; the best Dad in the world. We can’t be in this world without our fathers, and they have provided us many things from the clothes on our backs to useful tips about life. They have always been the reliable man in our lives, and they have always treated us with a stern yet loving hand. There are so many things to celebrate fathers, and the best day to throw a celebration for them is during the day dedicated solely to them; Father’s Day. Nothing says happy father’s day better than a personal greeting made just for him. Although fathers may seem unemotional, they are quite suckers for messages telling how much you appreciate what he has done for you. Father’s day Greetings and messages can be written in a card or in a letter. No matter what you choose, be sure to give him your best wishes and thanks for his hard work. A message may be the best gift you can give him.
to have children than
for children to have a real father.
I’m glad to have u dad.
HAPPY FATHERS DAYThanks for being
there through the
tears,laughter and
dirty diapers.
Happy Father’s Day!If the relationship of
father to son could
really be reduced to biology,
the whole earth would blaze
with the glory of fathers and sons.
Happy father’s day.
You may be
out of sight
but you’re
always in
my mind.
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day!
I know just the person who needs
“101 Ways to Be a Great Dad”.
Don’t worry it isn’t you!
Happy Father’s Day!
You’ve seen me laugh
You’ve seen me cry
And always you were there with me
I may not have always said it
thanks and I love you
Happy Father’s Day
Papa, This card might look simple, but I think this is the best thing that represents what you’ve been to me. You’ve always been a simple guy to me, and you have never been demanding. You remained simple and humble although I knew you were more valuable than what you seem to be. This card reminded me of you so much. It is simple, humble, yet valuable. It contained the best wishes and true-to-heart words just like you. You always wished the best for me and our family, and you’ve never failed to stay true to yourself and speak from your heart. I love you! Happy Father’s Day!
Happy Father’s Day! This unique day is a celebration of you! Stay sweet, kind, and loving as you have always been. You taught me how to stay strong and stand up for myself. You taught me to never back down and pick myself up again each time I fall. You’ve always made sure I am a person of my words and kept true to myself. Thank you for all the things you taught me. You will always be the number one man in my life. I love you so much daddy!
At ur age of 1, he wud have lost his sleep to take care of u.
When u were 10, he wud have lost his favourite perfume 2 pay ur school fees.
At 18, he wud have lost al his savings 2 give u graduation.
At ur 22, he wud have lost his respect 2 get u a job.
To keep u rich, he wud have not even purchased clothes for himself.
To make u lead a luxurious life he wud have not even taken care of his health.
He is d 1 who sheds his personal interests fpr ur prosperous life.
Salute ur DAD for his sacrifice. 21/6/15 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY.
Dad, wishing you a box of happiness
For today, tomorrow and always
With all my love!’
Every girl may not be a queen to her husband,
But she is always a princess to her father” !!.
Happy fathers day
A man knows he is growing old
he begins to look like his father.
We never know
the love of our parents
for us
until we have become parents.
Happy Father’s Day
My dear FATHER!
I owe U the debt of life ,
Its infinity, colors, sounds & feelings i experience.
Please accept my gratitude on this very special day,
Although every moment of my life is a gift from you.
When I was a Kid
My Father Always Care of Me
When I Start Walk on my Feet
My Father Celebrate that Day
When I Start My School
On First Day
My Father Go With Me in My Class
My Sweet Father..I Love U!
Happy Father’s Day
You’ve seen me laugh
You’ve seen me cry
And always you were there with me
I may not have always said it
But thanks and I love you
Happy Father’s Day
F is for the Faith that I have on you
A is for the Affection that you treat me with
T is for the Tender touch of yours
H is for the Happiness that you give me
E is for the Endless sacrifice that you make for me
R is for the Rapture that I get in your company.
Wishing you a very happy fathers day 🙂
I miss you Daddy
Thank you for being a great dad to us!
Your memories will always live in the very core of my heart.
I miss you Daddy… Happy Father’s day!
A Father means so many things..
A Father means so many things..
An understanding heart,
A source of strength and support right from the very start.
Happy Father’s Day
Message for Dad
Great Msg About Dad :
-A Great Man Who
-Spares His Life
-Hides His Feelings
-Ignores His Happiness
-Accepts The Struggle
So Don’t Hurt Your Lovely Dad
Think About Him !’
Which is the most confusing day in America?
80% don’t know whom to wish.
And rest 20% r scared someone will come & wish them.
I’m happy to have u father
It is less demanding for a father to have youngsters,
Than for youngsters to have a true father.
I’m happy to have u father,
Cheerful FATHERS DAY…’
The greatest gift
I ever had
Came from God;
I call him Dad!
Dad, your guiding
hand on my shoulder
will remain with me forever.
Happy Father’s Day
Every mother generally hopes that
her daughter will snag a better husband
than she managed to do…
she’s certain that her boy will never
get as great a wife as his father did.
I miss you daddy
Thank you for being a great dad to us!
Your memories will always live in the very core of my heart.
I miss you Daddy…
Happy Father’s day!
Pay My Regards To Ur Father
Who Is Tolerating Such A Dumb Duffer Child,
What A Stamina He Has Got..
I Salute Ur Father:p
Happy Father’s day
A Father means so many things..
An understanding heart,
A source of strength and support right from the very start.
Happy Father’s Day
Love your parents
and treat them
with loving care…
For you will
only know
their value
when you see
their empty chair…
i like that